
Performance observations are obtained from testing Hyperledger Fabric smart contracts, driven by Fabric-SDK-Node clients through a series of benchmarks; the test topology is given in Figure 1 below

alt textFigure 1: Test Topology

During benchmarking, all transactions are driven via a Hyperledger Fabric client gateway. Throughput and latencies for each benchmark are measured, as are resource statistics during the benchmark process.

The Smart Contract

All benchmarks are facilitated by the fixed-asset smart contract that is deployed to the Hyperledger Fabric network. The smart contract facilitates the driving of core API methods that are commonly used by a smart contract developer.

Smart Contract Method Description
emptyContract Immediately returns an empty response and represents the minimum possible overhead incurred through evaluation or submission of a smart contract method via a gateway.
createAsset Performs a single putState() operation, inserting an asset of defined byte size into the World State database.
createAssetsFromBatch Performs multiple putState() operations over an array of assets, inserting each into the World State database.
getAsset Performs a single getState() operation, extracting and returning a single asset from the World State database using a passed UUID.
getAssetsFromBatch Performs multiples getState() operations over an array of asset UUIDs, extracting and returning all asset from the World State database.
paginatedRangeQuery Performs a getStateByRangeWithPagination() operation, based on passed start/end keys, a desired page size and passed bookmark. The records obtained from the query are processed and returned in a JSON response that also includes a new bookmark.
paginatedRichQuery Performs a getQueryResultWithPagination() operation, based on a passed Mango query string, a desired page size and bookmark. The records obtained from the query are processed and returned in a JSON response that also includes a new bookmark. Only valid for deployments including a CouchDB World State database.

Smart contract methods may be evaluated or submitted via a Fabric Network gateway. An overview of possible transaction pathways from a client application interacting with Hyperedger Fabric is presented in Figure 1.

Evaluation of a smart contract method will not include interaction with the ordering service, and consequently will not result in appending to the leger; submission of a smart contract will result on the method being run on Hyperledger Fabric Peers as required by the endorsement policy and appended to the ledger by the ordering service.

alt textFigure 1: Possible Transaction Pathways

Smart Contract Benchmarks

The complete output of the benchmark runs, and the resources used to perform them, are in the resources section of the Appendix. All benchmarks are driven at maximum possible TPS for a duration of 5 minutes by multiple test clients. This is followed by a driving the benchmarks at a set TPS for a duration of 5 minutes by multiple test clients to enable resource utilization comparisons. The benchmarks comprise of:

Benchmark Config Files Description
Empty Contract empty-contract-1of.yaml, empty-contract-2of.yaml Evaluates and submits emptyContract gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. This transaction performs no action. Repeated for different Endorsement Policies.
Create Asset create-asset.yaml Submits createAsset gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction inserts a single asset into the world state database. Successive rounds increase the asset byte size inserted into the world state database.
Create Asset Batch create-asset-batch.yaml Submits createAssetsFromBatch gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction inserts a sequence of fixed size assets into the world state database. Successive rounds increase the batch size of assets inserted into the world state database.
Get Asset get-asset.yaml Evaluates getAsset gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction retrieves a single asset from the world state database. Successive rounds increase the asset byte size retrieved from the world state database.
Get Asset Batch get-asset-batch.yaml Evaluates getAssetsFromBatch gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction retrieves a series of assets from the world state database. Successive rounds increase the batch size of assets retrieved from the world state database.
Paginated Range Query mixed-range-query-pagination.yaml Evaluates paginatedRangeQuery gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction retrieves a set of assets from the world state database. Successive rounds increase the page size of assets retrieved from the world state database.
Paginated Rich Query mixed-rich-query-pagination.yaml Evaluates paginatedRichQuery gateway transactions for the fixed-asset smart contract. Each transaction retrieves a set of assets from the world state database. Successive rounds increase the page size of assets retrieved from the world state database.


The performance information is obtained by measuring the transaction throughput for different types of smart contract transactions. The term “transaction” is used in a generic sense, and refers to any interaction with a smart contract, regardless of the complexity of the subsequent interaction(s) with the blockchain platform.

The data contained in the reports was measured in a controlled environment, results obtained in other environments might vary. For more details on the environments used, see the resources at the end of this report.

The performance data cannot be compared across versions of Hyperledger Fabric, as testing hardware and environments may have changed significantly. The testing contents and processing methodologies may have also changed between performance reports, and so cannot be compared.